The Tao of Snoopy
This is a new section of Ting (bu) Dong where we give you a
more in depth look at the kids we teach and the people we have met here in
China. We will start it out with the cutest bunch of them all, the snoopys! The
Snoopys are the youngest group of our kindergarteners. The oldest, the Mickeys
are between 6-7, the middle Nemos are 5-6 and the youngest are anywhere from
2-4, and man are they cute! We’ve highlighted here in “The Tao of Snoopy” three
of our students and their rules for being amazing. Obviously they can’t speak
English, they hardly know Chinese, but we’ve spent enough time with them to
fill in the blanks. Enjoy!
Things June can say in English:
- What’s your Name?
June will either answer you correctly, or she will smile at
you and then say ‘no’. This isn’t because she doesn’t know her name, oh she
knows her name, it’s because she loves to coax you into tickling it out of her.
- What’s my name?
I ask every Kindergartener this question because it’s better
that they call me Torie Teacher than just plain teacher, and the Snoopys love
to answer incorrectly. Again, this isn’t because they don’t know my name, but
they love hearing me go, “That’s not my name!” and then tickle them until they
give up. June is the queen of such games, and she happens to be a master of not
giving into the tickle.
Rules to Live By: According to June
- Giggle hard, and giggle often
- Sass is a person’s best friend
- The bowl cut will never go out of style
Things Mark can say in English
- What’s your name?
When you ask Mark his name he always responds quickly,
correctly, and so effin’ cutely.
- What’s my name?
Same answer as above, you should hear him say Benjamin, it
would literally melt your heart.
Rules to Live By: According to Mark
- Always go for seconds
- Don’t be afraid to show off your guns
- Hug like you mean it!
The Tao of Terry
Things Terry can say in English:
He can only say ‘no’ because he is two and a half years old,
but he knows the universal language of smiling and laughing. What he can’t say
he more than makes up for in cute factor, his head is a third of his body!
Rules to Live By: According to Terry
- If your head is a third of your body, and your total height is a foot and a half, your set
- The only word you need to know is “no”
- A smile is worth a bajillion words
Hello We are Torie Nugent and Ben Peterson, lovers of adventure and travel here to share our expereinces with you.
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